Most everything in life comes with rules, including getting high. Although people may not speak of them, they still exist. Of course, when you blaze with your pals, you want to make sure everyone enjoys themselves. More importantly, each person should be able to achieve a nice buzz. All you have to is have proper manners, and you and the group will be just peachy. From ashing before you pass to not bogarting the ganja, here are nine unspoken rules for smoking weed.
1. Keep the rotation moving

If you have an amazing story to tell, then save it for after the session. Otherwise, you will end up bogarting the bud, and your friends will be pissed.
2. Remove the stems and seeds

When it’s your turn to roll up, do be a doll and remove the stemsand seeds. After all, the whole point of smoking weed is to get high. Not to mention, the popping sound of burning seeds is rather annoying. Ditch them all together and save the space for your herb.
3. Don’t slobber on the blunt

Sure, you and your pals may be tight. But that doesn’t mean they want to taste your spit. Keep your lips on the tip of the blunt, no need to go any further.
4. Keep your friend’s lighter out of your pocket

No one likes a lighter thief. Although they’re small, they still cost money. Unless you’re willing to hand over some cash, don’t steal other people’s lighters. Unless you’re ready to give up some money, don’t take other people’s lighters. Stealing, in general, is a big no-no.
5. Always share

In general, it’s rude not to share, especially when it comes to the herb. Either light up when they leave, or be polite and offer them a hit.
6. Follow the “puff, puff, pass” rule

Of course, your buddies likely won’t say anything if you sneak in a third or fourth hit. However, any more than that is just greedy. Stick to 2-4 hits then hand it over to the next person.
7. If you roll it, you spark it

It takes time and patience to prepare a decent blunt or joint. Therefore, the person who rolls it should always take the first hit.
8. Pass to the lefthand side

To ensure that the rotation doesn’t get messed up, always pass to the left. Or else, someone might get an extra hit or two.
9. Be willing to help out

You know what it feels like to not know what you’re doing. Naturally, every weed smoker starts off this way.
So, if your pal needs help lighting or packing the bowl, don’t turn them down. Not only could it mess up the session, but they could even accidently break something.